Power Star Pawan Kalyan was last seen in Trivikram Srinivas’ directorial venture Agnyaathavaasi, which was released during Sankranthi 2018, and was turned out commercially flop at the box office. Later Pawan Kalyan decided to quit acting to concentrate on his political aspirations. After the shocking defeat in the general elections earlier this summer, now it is being heard that actor turned politician Pawan Kalyan is trying to make him come back in the film industry once again. It has also come out that Pawan Kalyan has locked his director and he is none other than Harish Shankar.
Until recently, there was a strong buzz in the film industry that the National award-winning director Krish will helm a megaphone for Pawan Kalyan but now the latest buzz is that popular director Harish Shankar is going to direct Pawan Kalyan’ comeback film. Harish Shankar is one of the talented filmmaker, who gave much-needed blockbuster Gabbar Singh to Pawan Kalyan in 2012.
If everything will go accordingly and Pawan Kalyan will team up with Harish Shankar, the upcoming project will be bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers.
Harish Shankar made his directorial debut with Shock, produced by Ram Gopal Varma, in 2006 and his previous offering was Gaddalakonda Ganesh starring Mega Prince Varun Tej.
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